About Me

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I'm an English teacher in Finland. My English blog Learninglish is, surprise surprise, about learning English - both for young and old, whether at school or studying at home, no matter where you live: in Germany or Argentina, in Kenya or Indonesia. Welcome aboard! The other blog, Bloggerin Enkkua, is about languages, cultures, learning and teaching in Finnish. Tervetuloa seuraamaan blogieni virtaa Bloggerin kautta!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

In her blog edshunnybunny discusses how commercialized Valentine’s Day has become: Valentine’s Days Revisited…

Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Organic Chocolate VS Regular Chocolate

Having talked about diets.. Who likes chocolate?? As I've mentioned, blog writings and reviews can be a good way to learn English. Here you can learn more about Organic Chocolate VS Regular Chocolate, too :)

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Videos on the diet theme


We have a health / diets / food theme in my evening classes this week, so I embedded a couple of videos related to the topic. Well, it's not Easter yet, but here are some Healthier Easter Candy Choices anyway and a few Diet Rules to Break ;)

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Blues Guitarist Erja Lyytinen and Lyrics as a Learning Source

Erja Lyytinen is a Finnish singer-songwriter from Kuopio, a blues guitarist that has been touring all over Europe and was a support band for Santana in Helsinki last summer. She also performed her song Bed of Roses with Marco Hietala of the Finnish metal bands Tarot and Nightwish.

Erja Lyytinen releases her first live concert on dvd titled Songs From The Road. The dvd will be released in Finland on February 8th 2012,
it says on Erja's web page.

Lyrics to songs can serve as a learning source for new words, where music helps memorizing them. Many times lyrics sound better when sung than how they work as a text, or what do you say about  these lyrics?
Sometimes I feel like you don’t love me no more
I know it from the way you look at me
You don’t care like you used to before
I know it from the way you touch me
I sit around and wait for you
To come to me and cure my blue
Bed of roses in a frozen land
Nights turn bitter
The leaves will wither
Bloom has faded and you understand
You’re looking at a stranger
You thought you’d love forever
Everyday life no longer makes a difference
Weary silence has become our daily guest
Dissappointments leading to indifference
remnants of love have been put to the test
I sit around and wait for you
To come to me and cure my blue
Bed of roses in a frozen land
Nights turn bitter
The leaves will wither
Bloom has faded and you understand
Youґre looking at a stranger
You thought youґd love forever
Will you remember the good we had
We were always together
We only saw each other
When love is gone it will hurt you bad
But you canґt pretend
When youґve reached the end
You don’t love me anymore
And the same with music – much better, right?

 In this promo clip Marco and Erja tell about their duet.

Quite a lady, uh?

Previously published on my Finnish blog.

A Chance to Win a Snug Baby Bunting Bag on Lesley Carter's Blog!

Suffering from the cold weather? Yep, me too. Oh well, luckily it didn't get any colder than -33 degrees here ;)

I recently found this blog Indulge - Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences, and now there's a chance to win a baby bunting bag against the freezing weather - not just any baby bunting bag, but The Snug² :) At least your baby won't be suffering any longer if you'll win this great giveaway!  

Bonus entries: For every person that you get to follow my blog and leave a comment below (with your name and blog information), I will give you TWO entries!
I highly recommend this amazing blog! Just click here: It’s a Snug World with Snug Science – Includes a Chance to Win!

Snug? Science? Here are the definitions for English learners ;)
snug [snuhg] adjective
warmly comfortable or cozy, as a place, accommodations, etc.: a snug little house.
science [sahy-uh ns] noun
the knowledge so obtained or the practice of obtaining it .   
(definitions cited from www.dictionary.com)
Blogs and web stores are good places to learn new words. Like here, you can check if you know all the winter equipment for children for skiing.