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I'm an English teacher in Finland. My English blog Learninglish is, surprise surprise, about learning English - both for young and old, whether at school or studying at home, no matter where you live: in Germany or Argentina, in Kenya or Indonesia. Welcome aboard! The other blog, Bloggerin Enkkua, is about languages, cultures, learning and teaching in Finnish. Tervetuloa seuraamaan blogieni virtaa Bloggerin kautta!

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Ryan's typical day - a sentence-level exercise

LearnEnglish Kids is a place where they have lots of word games, songs, stories and other activities for children, but why not adults, too, could have a look at this web page.

You can, for example, do an exercise rehearsing quite simple sentence structures and speed: Ryan's typical day.

What time does Ryan get up? What time does Ryan watch TV? Put the words in the right order to make sentences about Ryan’s day.

Click on the words in the right order to make a sentence. Check your score and speed at the end of the game.
So, what's your score?

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