About Me

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I'm an English teacher in Finland. My English blog Learninglish is, surprise surprise, about learning English - both for young and old, whether at school or studying at home, no matter where you live: in Germany or Argentina, in Kenya or Indonesia. Welcome aboard! The other blog, Bloggerin Enkkua, is about languages, cultures, learning and teaching in Finnish. Tervetuloa seuraamaan blogieni virtaa Bloggerin kautta!

Monday, 9 January 2012

Test your vocabulary!

Test your vocab is an excellent place to test how many words you know in English. It's estimated that a native English speaker knows approximately 20 000-35 000 words, non-native learners know some 2 500-9 000 words.  Here you can check the results by country. Test how many you know!
TestYourVocab.com is part of an independent American-Brazilian research project to measure vocabulary sizes according to age and education, and particularly to compare native learning rates with foreign language classroom learning rates.
It functions by means of a quick three-part test: the first part with a handful of words to determine the general vocabulary level, a second part with a larger but narrower selection of words to determine the vocabulary level with greater precision, and a final (optional) survey to collect statistical information.

Ps. Did you know that..
..English has the most words of any language on Earth.
..English’s vocabulary is so large because it started with the Germanic peoples who first arrived in Britain, was added to by waves of Scandinavian and Norman (French) invaders, and then augmented further with Latin and Greek words during the Renaissance. And of course, it hasn’t stopped growing since then.
..The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) contains over 300,000 entries, which take up over 20,000 printed pages.

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